Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Hello Stranger

So I haven't been on in here for a while and its because my life has been a little nuts. 3 weeks after finally getting better from having my 4 wisdom teeth removed I started feeling really sick. I thought it was a hernia I have in my belly button but when I went to the hospital they discovered I had pneumonia. I had to be admitted to the hospital for 4 days. Can I just say that it sucked. I had so much blood taken out and bruises on my arms from all the needles that I was ready to just run away from there if they didn't let me out. On top of that I have 3 kids that need me and for everyone who is a stay at home mom you know we arent even allowed to get sick lol. Thank God for my husband, mother, and mother in law who helped me watch them while I was in there. 
* Awful I Know*

* This was before it got worse*

When I finally got home I was so happy. I missed my rugrats so much they weren't allowed to come see me in the hospital which made things worse. Can I just say that when I got home my house looked like a hurricane hit it. My husband tried his hardest but let me just say he definitely does NOT know how to multitask lol. He said he didn't know how I handled 3 kids and still have time to cook, clean, take a shower, and everything else I do lol. He washed all the cloths but threw them in my sons play pen and never hanged them up. I don't know if I have OCD but when my house is a mess it drives me insane. Anyways it felt good to hear him say he appreciated everything I do. Some people tend to think being a stay at home mom is easy but its a full time job that last 24/7. Raising kids is hard work especially when your spouse works from 4am-7pm Monday-Friday. I am feeling better now thank God but I have to get surgery for the hernia and that takes 4 weeks of recovery. God willing everything will go smoothly so I can get back to my normal life. I am back and ready to blog more and more.


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

And Then There Were 3

So as some of you may know I am a mother of 3 beautiful kids. A girl named Amari who is 8 and 2 boys, Noah who is 4 and Ezekiel who is 1 (16 months to be exact). My rugrats are my greatest blessing and they have made me the women I am today. When I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd child I was shocked. I have always wanted a big family but since my husband is the bread winner around here we hadn't planned on a 3rd child for a couple of years. Of course our plans aren't  always Gods plans so after a week or so of nervousness I loved the idea of a new baby. The smell, the cute little toes, and the fun of planning every little detail. My pregnancy with Ezekiel was different to my other ones due to the fact that I lost a lot of weight and I never was really hungry. Around 8 months I found out the cord was around his next, thankfully it wasn't tight at all so they just monitored it to make sure he wasn't under any stress. On January 13th 2014 I went into labor. I was having contractions and dilating fine. When I got to 6cm my water still hadn't broke which was also weird for me since with my other kids they popped on their own. The nurse came in and broke my water which sucked big time lol. After a few hour I still was at 6cm so they gave me Pitocin since I seemed to be stuck at 6cm. I waited and waited which seemed like forever and the doctor came in and she said the baby was turned to the side and had extreme pressure on his head. She decided it was best to have an emergency C-section. I was so scared but I was prepared to do what was necessary to have my baby safe and sound in my arms. After an hour my baby was out and in my husbands arms. The stay in the hospital was normal and in 3 days I was on my way home with my new bundle of joy.

* Ezekiel aka Zeke*

After we got home it went as normal as it possibly could. The kids loved him and so did I. When he was around 3 months my husband noticed that his head was shaped a little funny. I saw it also but I thought it was due to the C-section and  it would changed as he grew. I took him to the doctor just to be safe and when she measured his head it was very misshapen. She sent us to a specialist at the Short Hills Cranial Center to get an evaluation. The specialist told us his head was severally misshapen and he had Plagiocephaly and that he would need a special helmet to correct his head. Plagiocephaly basically means misshapen head and if it isn't corrected he could suffer from head aches, eye problems, ear infections, and other issues. The helmet basically works by putting pressure on the side that is normal and leaves space for the side they want to grow and even out. He would have to wear the helmet 23 hours and day and could only take it off for 1 hour a day to clean it and shower. I couldn't believe it and to be honest it was something I had never heard of until they told me. I took it for what it was and they took the measurements of his head for the helmet. They did that by putting a stocking on his head and cut holes to show his eyes, nose, and mouth and put him on a machine that took a digital scan of his head. They mailed the paper work to the insurance who denied to pay for the helmet. They said it was cosmetic and not necessary. I appealed the denial and sent in paper work from his doctor and the specialist saying he really needed it. While I waited to hear from the insurance again Ezekiel started physical therapy once a week for Torticollis which means tight neck muscles that usually accompanies Plagiocephaly.

* At Therapy with Mrs.Sue *

After a month the insurance denied it again and I was so aggravated. I couldn't understand why they did not want to help us. I appealed again and was denied again. After this my husband and I just decided to try to come up with the money ourselves. Time was passing and the longer we waited to get the helmet the worse his head got. My mother in law did a fund raiser at her school and with their help and the help of family we got the money. God is good and He knew what we needed and found a way to help us get it. We paid and in 2 weeks his helmet arrived. We choose a plain blue color and order stickers to decorate it. When the time came and they finally put his helmet on I broken down and started crying in the office. I hadn't cried once but for some reason once I saw him with the helmet it all hit me. No mother wants to see their child suffer or go through anything that might cause them pain and he was so little. After a couple of minutes I was ok. They said he would have to break it in at first by wearing it 1 hour the first day and increasing the time each day until he hit the 23 hour mark.

* First time with his helmet *

* The stickers made it look super cute *

Seeing him wear the helmet was a little hard for me. He would sweat so much with it on. Everytime I toke it off his hair was drenched in sweat. Then the funky smell that came with it was not cute lol. We had to clean it every day with a rag and alcohol but it still had the funkiness to it. He could not go to the beach, pool, or park that whole summer due to the fact that he might break out in blisters from the heat. I prayed and prayed and God heard me because he only had to wear the helmet for 3 months when the doctor said a year or more. As I sit here and write this it still amazes me how people would stare at him and give him weird looks. It made me upset at first but than I realized it could have been their first time seeing it just like I hadn't heard of it neither have a lot of people. I also want to say that this can be avoided by making sure you give your infant plenty of tummy time. The sooner the better and also change their  head position every time they go to sleep. I really believe its something every mom should get informed about before leaving the hospital. You would think that would be the end but its only the beginning of my babys story. Once he was cleared to stop wearing the helmet he still had to attend physical therapy for his neck muscles. Than I started to notice that he wasn't doing the things a 9 month old should. He wasn't sitting on his own, he wouldn't bare no weight on his feet, and he wasn't rolling over. I discussed these things with my doctor and she recommend to increase the therapy to 2 times a week. Than after a could of months he started scutting on his butt like a little frog which was awesome cause he was moving but still no standing. My doctor sent me to Children Specialized Hospital where he saw Dr. Bently and she said Ezekiel has Hypotonia which is a big word for low muscle tone. Since he has been in therapy for a while and still wasn't standing they said he would need leg braces. As you can imagine I was shocked. I feel as though he has been through so much already when will it end. They sent him to do blood work and see another specialist to see if it can be genetic. Thank God everything came back normal with those test. 2 weeks ago he got his leg braces and has to break them in just like the helmet until he is wearing them all the time. 

* Carbon Fiber Design *

* My baby can make anything look good *

He is now going to therapy 4 times a week. 2 times they come to my house from early intervention and the other 2 I go to Saint Barnabes Hospital. He is doing better thank God. He is rolling over on his own, he is going from sitting to belly and no more tight neck muscles. A couple of days ago he was taking steps with help from his therapist and at home we help he walk a little each day. We are suppose to do an MRI of his brain but I am still on the fence of doing that. He is very smart and I see nothing wrong with his social or mental skills its mostly all motor. Also for that MRI he has to be sedated and I don't know how I feel about that since he is still so little. Right now I am just being still and praying to God to see what he thinks my next move should be. 

* Walking on the treadmill *

* Standing on his own and playing *

With every day that passes I see Zeke doing better and better. I sometimes find myself stressed out and crying over everything my baby has to go through but than I see all the kids at the hospitals and doctors that I go to and I see how truly blessed I am. Ezekiel is healthy no sickness that are terminal and improving with time. I have seen God move tremendously in his life. He answers my prayers each and every time maybe not as fast as I would like but always in His perfect timing. My biggest fear is that he will look at his older brother and wonder why he cant do the things he does, But than I see how big my God is and my fear is nothing compared to His love. I know one day I will see Ezekiel running around with his brother and sister driving me nuts.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Crock Pot Cinnamon Monkey Bread

So I recently got my first crock pot and was so excited to try some new recipes. When you are a family of 5 you need all the help you can get to whip up delicious meals and desserts. So today on this beautiful Saturday that God has blessed us with my husband decided to have a little BBQ for the family. So I was thinking what better way to add something sweet to that than with some sticky yummy monkey bread. Most people use regular grand biscuits but I went a step further and used cinnamon rolls because...well why not lol. This is a fire proof recipe that everyone will love but be ready it will be gone quickly!!

*Cinnamon Monkey Bread*

Serves: 8-10 people
Prep Time: 20 Minutes
Cook Time: 2 Hours

. 2 Cans of grands cinnamon rolls
. 1/4 cup of granulated sugar
. 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
. 1/2 cup of brown sugar
. 1/2 cup of unsalted butter

1. Open each can of cinnamon rolls and cut each roll into 6 pieces.

2. Place the sugar and cinnamon in a Ziploc bag. Add the pieces of cinnamon rolls into the bag and shake shake shake.

3. Melt butter in microwave and then combine it with the brown sugar.

4. Spray crock pot with non stick spray and place pieces of cinnamon rolls on the bottom. Then pour half of the butter mixture on top. Then place the rest of the pieces and top with butter mixture. 

5. Cover crock pot and cook on high for 2 hours. Cooking time depends on your crock pot but it will be done when the edges are brown but the middle is still gooey. Let cool for 5 minutes. 

6. Drizzle icing that came with cinnamon rolls on top and then serve warm and enjoy.

Try to get out of the crock pot after 5 minutes because when it cools completely it will stick. This will definitely be something your family will love.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

bye bye wisdom teeth

Let me start by saying I have never been a fan of the dentist. When I did go it was mostly to make sure everything was working properly and a few cleanings and that's about it. A few months ago I started to have pain from my wisdom teeth. I didn't do anything at first but take some Tylenol and keep it moving since I have a busy schedule. After a week I noticed the pain was not going away and I started getting headaches so I made an appointment to get it checked out. Once I got there they made me fill out some paper work and took a couple X-rays. When the dentist came in she took a look and informed me that all 4 of my wisdom teeth had to be removed. *wait what...ummm no lol* I was shocked and sacred to be honest. She said it was necessary because the teeth were putting pressure on my other teeth and would cause great damaged if not removed. On Thursday April 23 I went in for the procedure at 9 in the Morning. I had my husband with me and my mom home with the kids so I didn't have to worry. I wasn't allowed to eat after midnight the night before since I was getting put to sleep *Thank GOD*

Once called to the office I was asked if I wanted to pull out 2 at a time or all 4 at once. I choose all 4 because I have 3 kids, one who has therapy 4 times a week and a lot of doctor visits so I felt like if I didn't do it right then and there it wouldn't get done. Once the oral surgeon came in and gave me the medicine I remember counting to 5 and nothing after. When I realized what was going on I was back in the car with my husband. I don't remember him getting me from the room, I don't remember him putting on my coat, or even speaking to the doctor. I felt completely numb. I felt like my lips were taking up half of my face. My husband went and got the pain killers and antibiotics and took me home. Once I got there I laid in bed and fell asleep. It wasn't until I woke up that the pain hit. I cant even lie to you guys it was awful. I had a pounding headache, all I tasted was blood in my month, my throat hurt, my jaw was pounding, and I couldn't talk. Tears just fell from my face that expressed to my husband how I felt. I thank God for him who took care of me and the kids because I couldn't get out of bed.

*No Words*

Here we are 3 days later and I am still swollen but feeling a little better. Yesterday I had an earache which is also part of what I signed up for. I haven't really eaten since Wednesday night. A little bit of soup here and there and lots of water. I honestly can say that this has been one of the most painful things I have ever experienced which says a lot since I have 3 kids one that I gave birth to with no drugs and another that I had by C-section. I have also had my gal bladder removed and it still doesn't amount to this pain from the wisdom teeth removal. Here are a few steps to follow before and after the extraction:

1. If you have the time do 2 teeth at a time instead of all 4. Its a lot of pain and swelling so if it can be minimized by doing less at a time than go for it.
2. Make sure to go with someone you trust. I literally was not aware of what was going on for a couple of minutes so you need someone who is going to take care of you and not judge.
3. Make sure who ever you go with picks up the pain killers as soon as you get out you WILL need them asap.
4. Stock up on water, soup, and other foods that will be easy to eat. I have tried mashed potatoes and mac and cheese and they have worked.
5. Make sure to have ice packs ready to go. They have been a life saver for me. Not only does it help with the swollenness but it also numbs the area for a bit which helps with the pain.
6. Have extra pillows on hand. It hurt a lot laying down flat and also getting up so any elevation helps.
7. Do not be afraid to ask for help. You will need time to recover and the pain killers have you feel sleepy so all support is necessary.
That's about it. I am still swollen and healing so it takes a while to be back to normal. I cant wait until I can look like myself again and eat some yummy food.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Womens Retreat 2015

Friday night I left to attend the women's retreat my church was having. I signed up for it a couple months ago and was excited to go. I have always believed in God but being raised a Catholic I never had a true relationship with Him or knew how awesome He really is. I first heard about Christ Fellowship (The name of my church) when I was 15 and in high school. One of my teachers went there and he ask me and my friend Michelle to go. I went and immediately fell in love with the worship and the way the pastor gave the message. I kept attending and felt The Holy Spirit and all the goose bumps that come with it. But of course being young and dumb I stopped attending and did childish stuff, but that's for another story lol.

I went back last year with my husband and kids because I want God to be number one is my house and the difference I feel when God is priority in my life is tremendous. After attending a couple of months my husband and I got more involved with our church. I started teaching Kids Church and he joined Men of Integrity and helped out ushering. I love how my kids love the Lord. They have such love and passion for Him at such a young age and it motivates me to go harder and harder for my Savior. Once I heard about the retreat I was convinced to go but leaving my husband alone with our 3 kids for the weekend worried me. He is a great dad but for all my moms reading this we know how difficult handling kids can be especially 3. It also is my first time leaving them for that long but I knew God had something waiting for me at the retreat and I wanted it so badly. I cleaned the whole house, did all the laundry, picked out all the kids outfits and pjs for that weekend, cooked dinner with a few left overs and left. I Got there around 7pm it was about an hour and half drive. The first thing I noticed was the beautiful lake. It had the camping feeling to it except we had rooms lol. My roommate was a friend of mine named Diane and we usually talk during our couples group and we decided rooming together was a good idea. At 8pm we had our first service and the guest speaker was Pastor Marsha Mansour. I have never heard of her so I didn't really know what to expect. Once she started I felt so comfortable with her, like I could relate to her on many levels. Look her up on Facebook if you guys get the chance she is amazing.
* The Lake *
* So relaxing *
Every message she spoke I felt like God was speaking to me. The things that stood out to me the most was 1.Being hungry for Jesus. So many times I let things distract me from Him or spending time in His Word that I have become distant from Him. I want to have an intimate relationship with Jesus. So intimate that I hear His voice Clearly. The second thing is stop worrying so much about tomorrow. As a mom I find myself worried all the time about my kids, the bills, and other daily life stuff that I let it rob me of my joy. God has only given me enough grace for today and I need to take it one step at a time and leave the future in the hand of Jesus. Thirdly I need to wake up every day with purpose. God made me for a reason, He has plans for me and I need to wake up every morning and ask Him to reveal them to me. I am not a mistake and nothing I do can ever take His love away from me. I Honestly can go on and on about all I learned this weekend but I can say whole heartedly that The Holy Spirit moved in me tremendously. I came home changed and I intend to grow closer and closer to Him everyday. I am happy to report that my husband, kids, and house are all in one piece lol. I am defentily glad I went because God showed up and showed off!!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Anniversary Quick Start

My Husband and I have been together for 9 years but yesterday marked our 2 year wedding anniversary. Today as I give this blogging thing a try I am also getting ready to go on our date. Its hard with 3 kids and everything else that comes with being a wife and mom but here I go...

*Here we are saying our I dos*

Let me start by saying that being married is work. Yes there is love, hugs, kisses, and all that jazz but it's work. He is a truck driver and works long hours. He's usually gone by 5am and not home earlier than 7pm. I am blessed enough to be a stay at home mom to our rugrats who are 8(girl) 4(boy) and 1(boy).

*Cuties Right*

Anyways I'll go more into detail with that later... Now back to our date. We are going to the dine in theater to watch a movie while his sister stays with the kids. Then afterwards we have our church couples group that we attend one Saturday a month. It has been a great blessing to us.  It seems like a lot of work just to go on a date when your a mommy. I got up and made breakfast which no one liked by the way..*rolls eyes and keeps it moving* Then got all 3 kids ready while my husband does...what wait who knows lol and now some free time to shower. When you are a mom these are priceless because I get more than 5 minutes with out hearing a kid knocking on my door. Thank you Jesus. Now I'm dressed and ready to go just waiting for his sister to arrive to get the kids. Hopefully no one will dirty their shirt or poop their pants before she comes lol. I miss my PJ pants already.
*Night Cap*
Our date night was a success. Went to see Furious 7 and I liked it. It wasn't amazing to me but would definitely buy the DVD. Paul Walker was so good I still can not believe he's dead. Anywho couples group was awesome like always. A mix of good food, good people, awesome advice, and most importantly God at the center of it all. It always blows my mind how I feel like my husband and I have been together for so long but in reality its nothing compared to couples who have been married for 40 years and more. I pray we will have many more years to come. At the end of this anniversary the one thing I know for sure is I love this man and I cant imagine my life without him.