Sunday, April 26, 2015

bye bye wisdom teeth

Let me start by saying I have never been a fan of the dentist. When I did go it was mostly to make sure everything was working properly and a few cleanings and that's about it. A few months ago I started to have pain from my wisdom teeth. I didn't do anything at first but take some Tylenol and keep it moving since I have a busy schedule. After a week I noticed the pain was not going away and I started getting headaches so I made an appointment to get it checked out. Once I got there they made me fill out some paper work and took a couple X-rays. When the dentist came in she took a look and informed me that all 4 of my wisdom teeth had to be removed. *wait what...ummm no lol* I was shocked and sacred to be honest. She said it was necessary because the teeth were putting pressure on my other teeth and would cause great damaged if not removed. On Thursday April 23 I went in for the procedure at 9 in the Morning. I had my husband with me and my mom home with the kids so I didn't have to worry. I wasn't allowed to eat after midnight the night before since I was getting put to sleep *Thank GOD*

Once called to the office I was asked if I wanted to pull out 2 at a time or all 4 at once. I choose all 4 because I have 3 kids, one who has therapy 4 times a week and a lot of doctor visits so I felt like if I didn't do it right then and there it wouldn't get done. Once the oral surgeon came in and gave me the medicine I remember counting to 5 and nothing after. When I realized what was going on I was back in the car with my husband. I don't remember him getting me from the room, I don't remember him putting on my coat, or even speaking to the doctor. I felt completely numb. I felt like my lips were taking up half of my face. My husband went and got the pain killers and antibiotics and took me home. Once I got there I laid in bed and fell asleep. It wasn't until I woke up that the pain hit. I cant even lie to you guys it was awful. I had a pounding headache, all I tasted was blood in my month, my throat hurt, my jaw was pounding, and I couldn't talk. Tears just fell from my face that expressed to my husband how I felt. I thank God for him who took care of me and the kids because I couldn't get out of bed.

*No Words*

Here we are 3 days later and I am still swollen but feeling a little better. Yesterday I had an earache which is also part of what I signed up for. I haven't really eaten since Wednesday night. A little bit of soup here and there and lots of water. I honestly can say that this has been one of the most painful things I have ever experienced which says a lot since I have 3 kids one that I gave birth to with no drugs and another that I had by C-section. I have also had my gal bladder removed and it still doesn't amount to this pain from the wisdom teeth removal. Here are a few steps to follow before and after the extraction:

1. If you have the time do 2 teeth at a time instead of all 4. Its a lot of pain and swelling so if it can be minimized by doing less at a time than go for it.
2. Make sure to go with someone you trust. I literally was not aware of what was going on for a couple of minutes so you need someone who is going to take care of you and not judge.
3. Make sure who ever you go with picks up the pain killers as soon as you get out you WILL need them asap.
4. Stock up on water, soup, and other foods that will be easy to eat. I have tried mashed potatoes and mac and cheese and they have worked.
5. Make sure to have ice packs ready to go. They have been a life saver for me. Not only does it help with the swollenness but it also numbs the area for a bit which helps with the pain.
6. Have extra pillows on hand. It hurt a lot laying down flat and also getting up so any elevation helps.
7. Do not be afraid to ask for help. You will need time to recover and the pain killers have you feel sleepy so all support is necessary.
That's about it. I am still swollen and healing so it takes a while to be back to normal. I cant wait until I can look like myself again and eat some yummy food.

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