Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Hello Stranger

So I haven't been on in here for a while and its because my life has been a little nuts. 3 weeks after finally getting better from having my 4 wisdom teeth removed I started feeling really sick. I thought it was a hernia I have in my belly button but when I went to the hospital they discovered I had pneumonia. I had to be admitted to the hospital for 4 days. Can I just say that it sucked. I had so much blood taken out and bruises on my arms from all the needles that I was ready to just run away from there if they didn't let me out. On top of that I have 3 kids that need me and for everyone who is a stay at home mom you know we arent even allowed to get sick lol. Thank God for my husband, mother, and mother in law who helped me watch them while I was in there. 
* Awful I Know*

* This was before it got worse*

When I finally got home I was so happy. I missed my rugrats so much they weren't allowed to come see me in the hospital which made things worse. Can I just say that when I got home my house looked like a hurricane hit it. My husband tried his hardest but let me just say he definitely does NOT know how to multitask lol. He said he didn't know how I handled 3 kids and still have time to cook, clean, take a shower, and everything else I do lol. He washed all the cloths but threw them in my sons play pen and never hanged them up. I don't know if I have OCD but when my house is a mess it drives me insane. Anyways it felt good to hear him say he appreciated everything I do. Some people tend to think being a stay at home mom is easy but its a full time job that last 24/7. Raising kids is hard work especially when your spouse works from 4am-7pm Monday-Friday. I am feeling better now thank God but I have to get surgery for the hernia and that takes 4 weeks of recovery. God willing everything will go smoothly so I can get back to my normal life. I am back and ready to blog more and more.